
Unlucky in Kentucky

It's My Podcast And I'll Bitch If I Want To! by Kymberlee Amber Marlow

Episode notes

Wow! What a journey it has been so far! This is only episode one you all and I decided to incorporate a different theme for every podcast. We dressed the part and usually stick to the same as far as the topics and the segments. So after careful consideration we chose the Kentucky Derby as our subject. ONE, WE are from Kentucky and wanted to give a shoutout for our Old Kentucky Home. SECOND: we want to celebrate one of the most loved and celebrated traditions. True to whole Rowdy, but classy atmosphere it brings. Basically we took the Derby and "rode" with it you see on this podcast you hopefully learn AND love and LEARN TO LOVE a few things that makes our state so great. From jockeys to jock itch trust me when i say stop by and sit a spell and brace yourself because the content is mature so be sure and cover your virgin ears because we don't wann ... 

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kentucky derbykentuckymint julepexesunlucky in kentuckycorey feldmanbourbonchurchill downssling bladecharlie sheen