It's All My FaultExplicit

by JCC

Hello universe!

As always, my greatest hope in this lifetime is to somehow, some way, get the chance to see you performing at your absolute best.

That day may not be today... I get it. The seas have been a little choppy lately. Best to appreciate today in whatever ways you can because we haven't bottomed out yet. Worse is coming.

Plainly stated it's become a flustercuck. One that's emerging right now in fu ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 10

  • Now, now we need money.


    Now, now we need money.


    Finally! After many attempts to drill down on money and its emergence as a crucial component of civilized society - here, in this recording, I finally stay on point. Come to any conclusions??? Well, yes. Sort of. Oh I don't really know. Maybe you should decide. MAYBE. Probably not though. Again, it is very much up to you. As it always has been. As it always will be. TensHUnsRye.ziNg Episode 6 of 53

  • ... only be better.


    ... only be better.


    This recording is work. It was work for me. And it will be work for you. Not physical labor mind you - no no no - that would be easy. No the work involved here is mental and not the fun gymnastics kind of mental - nope this one is dissociative schizophrenia all the way. So. Basically. It's my usual... As it were. Now. As you were. Or make the mistake of listening to this one, and then the next one... and then the one after that. ... And then, for the good of yourself, go smile at a dog or something else that's soulful. It's all up to you. TensHUnsRye.ziNg Episode 5 of 53

  • Obviously it drives me a little crazy.


    Obviously it drives me a little crazy.


    So yeah... I've been AWOL for a bit. If I can be so generous in decribing the gap in recording time I've allowed to pile up like laundry I'm ignoring here in April. Will you grant me the latitude? I knew I liked you... so easy to get along with when I give you no voice. Now how do you feel about folding boxer shorts? Oh that's the line is it? Okay. I can live with that. Hopefully as easily as you can live with my elevating concern for humanity's soul - as revealed throughout today's recording. To say I'm peaking would not be unfair. Not unfair at all. Since nobody's reading this far into my description I'll pony up a little housekeeping... does anyone by chance know where I put my right sports earbud? It's been missing for a few days now. I do wish those things weren't so easy to misplace! Also, I really need to get a job. And this time I mean it! I hope. TensHUnsRye.ziNg Episode 4 of 53

  • Because he's certainly going to hell.


    Because he's certainly going to hell.


    I know, I know... I heard you okay... ??. I've been going a bit long lately. I get it. So... I thought I'd take it easy like a hotel in California by preparing something a bit more Tik-Tok. In this recording I spend 10:33 of the 12:46 talking about ticks. The rest of the recording is a public service message from some foundation with a ridiculously long name. Then, unexpectedly, we hear from Benji Netanhayu. Do you think he'll be cool if I call him Benji? No? Benny? BenBen? BJ? BJ BennyBenBen? Anyone got a Tic-Tac? TensHUnsRye.ziNg Episode 3 of 53

  • Because apparently you have nothing further to add.


    Because apparently you have nothing further to add.


    My failure to launch yesterday, March 29th, was not intentional. In fact It would have been my guardian angel's 35th birthday were she still with us. It's an event I've been eyeing since Thanksgiving if not earlier. Given her recent passing, I wanted yesterday's recording to express how much I valued her while she was here. I simply could not find the proper tone to match the moment. It just wasn't meant to be. But today's recording? This one was very much meant to be. Meant to be interesting. Meant to be respectful. Meant to be insightful. Meant to be contemplative. Meant to be connective. Meant to be many things... TensHUnsRye.ziNg Episode 2 of 53