E26 - Amber Heard Part 1

IPV and Me: My Journey with Domestic Abuse by Amanda Goggin

Episode notes

Everyone knows the media circus that was the Depp v. Heard trial. But did anyone truly listen to the evidence presented by Heard and her team or was it over for her before it even started?

Sources and Helpful Articles:

Amber’s 2018 piece for the Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ive-seen-how-institutions-protect-men-accused-of-abuse-heres-what-we-can-do/2018/12/18/71fd876a-02ed-11e9-b5df-5d3874f1ac36_story.html

A timeline of Heard and Depp’s relationship:

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narcissismtrue crimesexual abuseamber heardjohnny depp