The birth of Biblically Responsible Investing with Art Ally

Invested with Purpose by Brian Mumbert, Orlando Aska & Nathan Parrott

Episode notes

The premiere episode of Invested with Purpose showcases Mr. Art Ally, a pioneer of Biblically Responsible Investing and the President of Timothy Plan.

Timothy Plan is the first family of funds to implement a Biblically Responsible Investing methodology, screening companies based on biblical principles. Mr. Art Ally shares his entrepreneurial journey and how he was inspired to combine faith with investment strategies.

Through his interview, Mr. Ally discusses how he was motivated by biblical principles to create Timothy Plan. He saw a gap in the market for investors who wanted to make a difference not only financially, but also morally and ethically. This led him to develop a screening process that evaluates companies based on their actions and values rather than just their financial performance. With the increasing popularity of BRI, ... 

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biblically responsible investingbrivalues based investingchristian businesschristian entrepreneurinvestingfaith based investingvaluesmoralsbible