Inner Child Healing

Integrating Sacred Wisdom by Kellye Houck, Emily Cait, Matthew Cummings, Ana Marstanovic, Priscilla Hataway

Episode notes

Every spiritual practitioner's favorite topic - Inner Child Healing.

The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung is commonly credited as coining the term "inner child". The inner child is the unhealed aspect of the psyche that developed in childhood. Inner child wounds typically manifest from trauma, neglect, frightening situations, or other negative events & influences early in a child's life. Inner child wounds that we have yet to heal and integrate, carry over into our adulthood and may manifest in dysfunctional ways until they are addressed.

Inner child wounds are individual and relative to the person and can vary from war trauma to an emotional wound that our child-self perceived as severe, while our adult self would deem it as minor looking back on the event.

Healing and integrating the inner child is an important step on the pat ... 

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