unWINEd with Mandy: Manifesting the Business (and Life) You Want


Episode notes

Wouldn't it be nice if you said something was going to happen and then it did?

This week on unWINEd with Mandy, our executive producer Mandy puts us on the hot seat and asks "how do you magically make everything happen with your business." Spoiler alert: it's not magic! It's manifestation and so much more.

Where do you want to take your business? Wherever it is, we can help get you there because we know how difficult it can be when you feel like nothing's happening and you're not growing.

We'll discuss these simple steps in detail to get you started:

1. Write it down.

2. Look at it often.

3. Say it out loud.

4. Visualize it.

5. Meditate or have daily self care practice

6. Give yourself grace

7. Have gratitude

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manifestingmanifestationhow to manifest