Thought Patterns And Our Environment | EP. 187

Influencer Secrets w/ Colewherld by Cole Gonzales

Episode notes
At a point in my life, I found myself spiraling down a negative path, feeling confined within an environment filled with negativity. It was a journey of introspection and conscious understanding that helped me break free from this cycle and realize the profound impact our surroundings have on our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. In this interactive dialogue, we'll traverse through the power of environments, from personal spaces to political settings, and how they shape our perspectives. If you've ever felt manipulated or swayed by external forces, this is a chance for you to understand why and how to reclaim your mental space.Shaped unconsciously by my family's political conversations, I had to take a step back and evaluate these deep-seated beliefs. Today, I share this journey and the steps taken to unlearn certain mindsets. More importantly, we  ...   ...  Read more
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