How does the relationship between artist and craft develop over time?

Heart in Art by Heart in Art

Episode notes

Artists sometimes discover their talent late in life, and some have a lifelong relationship with their chosen art form. As a writer, I know there have been times in my life I have loved fiction writing as a hobby, times when I have felt confident in my ability and realised it is my calling, and should be my profession. Other times, I have felt like an imposter, who should just give up. It has brought me stress and highlighted the places in my life where I am stuck. But throughout all of this, I have maintained the absolute conviction that writing is what I was born to do, and this sentiment certainly rings true with our guest this week, Kritika Kumar. Kritika has a tangible vitality that is borne out of her love for dance. She shares her ups and downs, dance as both a hobby and a profession, and the way in which dance is an inherent part of her i ... 

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