Decoding Heart Attacks: Recognizing Symptoms and Emergency Response

Healthy Heart with Dr Rohit Sane by Dr Rohit Sane , Dr Aman Kapoor

Episode notes

Welcome to "Healthy Heart with Dr. Rohit Sane," a pioneering podcast series hosted by Dr. Aman Kapoor. In our inaugural episode, we delve deep into the critical topic of heart attacks - understanding their symptoms, recognizing silent heart attacks, and learning essential emergency responses.

Dr. Rohit Sane, the founder of Madhavbaug and an acclaimed heart disease reversal expert, opens the episode with a comprehensive overview of heart attack symptoms. He emphasizes that symptoms can vary widely, from the classic left arm and chest pain to more subtle signs like breathlessness and epigastric pain. Intriguingly, Dr. Sane highlights that the first symptom could be no symptom at all, bringing to light the concept of silent heart attacks.

A key focus of the discussion is on the VO2 max, a measure of the volume of oxygen consumed by the b ... 

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