Combating Hormonal Imbalances and Nutrient Deficiencies (Part 1)

Healthy and THEN Happy by Heather Grimes

Episode notes
Only scratching the surface on this topic this week but highlighting some important discussions on the importance of hormones, the affects that imbalances in hormone levels have on our overall health, and how to combat these issues. Also touching on the subject of birth control and the truth of women's reproductive health being understudied in medicine. I ramble on about the ways that proper nutrition and supplementation can improve our hormonal imbalances. Then, I switch over into the topic of nutrient deficiencies and the importance of addressing them (primarily magnesium). I did not dive extremely deep into "how-to solve" some of the mentioned topics, but I plan to pick apart each one in separate episodes. This is my 30,000 ft overview to get the conversation started! Some references mentioned in the podcast:  ...  Read more
fitnessdietingnutritionhormonesbirth controlnutrient deficienciesmagnesium