Episode 46 - Sam Harris is Wrong About Everything (Extra-Long Season Finale)

Give Them An Argument by Ben Burgis

Episode notes

Sam Harris, it turns out, is wrong about just about everything. Kurdish Studies professor Djene Bajalan is here to talk about everything Harris gets wrong about Islam and the Middle East. Philosophy professors Mark Warren and Ryan Lake are here to talk about everything Harris gets wrong about subjects like moral realism and free will. We'll also get into some of Harris' extra bonus wrongness about subjects like whether Charles Murray is a "scientist" following the data on race and IQ wherever it leads. The point is that Sam Harris is wrong about an impressive variety of subjects and we're going to go deep. We've planned this episode for a very long time and we thought it would be a good one to go out on at the end of Give Them An Argument Season One. After that, we'll be on vacation (other than a few livestreams and maybe a patron bonus ep or two ... 

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