Social media, mood & mental health: To scroll or not to scroll?

Getting Brighter by Emily Hughes & Masha Remskar

Episode notes

Social media is commonly branded as one of the key factors responsible for deteriorating mood and mental health, especially in adolescents – but is the science in agreement? Join us as we delve into the double-edged sword that is social media, and take a closer look at the magnitude of its well documented relationship with outcomes such as well-being, depression, loneliness, and body image. We discuss why social media can have such an effect – positive or negative – on our mental health, and uncover some of the factors that determine whether social media is good or bad for us. 

📊 Key research studies we discussed:

  • Lonely people use Facebook, rather than Facebook makes its users lonely:
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psychologymental healthtechnologysocial mediasocial networkingFacebookwellbeingloneliness