
Vaccines and Variants with Dr. Calvin Sun (Monsoon Diaries)

Friends of Franz by Christian Franz

Episode notes

What was hoped to be a unified public health initiative to end an ongoing medical crisis became a divisive and bipartisan issue nationwide. Vaccine mandates were instituted across many states to combat the rise of the novel coronavirus variants and hopefully cease the spread of preexisting viral forms. With the placement of mandates, especially within the spheres of healthcare professions, efforts to uphold this decision were met with degrees of resistance and hesitancy. According to the New York Times, a staggering 37,000 healthcare workers have left their jobs as a result of the vaccine mandates. How has this exodus affected the American healthcare system that was already struck on its knees with burnout and short staffing?

In this episode, we tackle these topics of vaccine mandates and rising variants back in the summer of 2021 with "The ... 

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