The Freedom Focused Podcast

by Daran Wastchak

Are you struggling and frustrated as a small business owner?

Do you wish that your business ran smoother, with employees who were more engaged and productive?

Do you spend so much time running your business that you have little if any time to do the things you really love to do?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then The Freedom Focused Podcast is made for you!

With over 20 yea ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • 039 The Time for Greater Freedom Starts NOW!

    039 The Time for Greater Freedom Starts NOW!

    In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be digging a little deeper into the specifics of what it takes to become Freedom Focused in order to actually have greater freedom as a small business owner.He'll start first by sharing the story of how he came to find greater freedom for himself with his own business.This background will provide the context for telling you what he believes are the essential “best practices” that every small business must implement if you want a fighting chance at the kind of freedom that comes from less struggle, frustration, and feelings of burnout.Freedom to do just the work that you enjoy, delegate the work you don't, and shared responsibility for running your business.Perhaps most importunately, freedom to spend time away from your business to rejuvenate and recharge your batteries.After sharing with you each of the “best practices” that he implemented to create his own Freedom Focused business, he will tell you how you can do the same for your own business.Enjoy the show and don't forget to...Stay focused on your freedom!Show Notes

  • 038 Rejuvenation Time as a Reality, Not Just a Dream

    038 Rejuvenation Time as a Reality, Not Just a Dream

    In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about how to make rejuvenation time that includes travel, something you stop dreaming about, and instead, turn into something you actually start doing. It's true that not everyone likes or wants to travel, although most people do.In this episode, Daran is going to share two strategies that he's used very successfully, for many years, to make traveling with his daughters around the world a reality, not just a dream. For those of you who prefer to stay close to home, one of the strategies will apply directly to you too, so don’t miss listening. Who knows, you might even discover a more adventurous side that you didn’t know existed. Daran's podcast episodes on rejuvenation are always the ones he most looks forward to sharing with listeners, primarily because he believes rejuvenation time is the essence of what true freedom is all about. At the end of this week’s show, Daran has two free gifts to share with you, but you’ll need to listen to learn what they are. Enjoy the show and don't forget to... Stay focused on your freedom! Show Notes

  • 037 Apple Computer’s Secret Weapon

    037 Apple Computer’s Secret Weapon

    In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about a concept that was made popular in 2009 by a TEDx presentation in Seattle, Washington. That presentation was titled, “How great leaders inspire action," and it was given by a 36-year-old former advertising agent from New York City. This wasn’t just any TED Talk. It’s one of the most popular ever given, with almost 62 million views to date, and still climbing. Daran's going to share with you exactly who the speaker was, and explain why the message he shared continues to be of such profound interest to so many people. He's also going to share with you how the lessons from this TED Talk explain one of the great secrets to the success of Apple Computer, and how you can take advantage of this same “secret” to make your own small business wildly successful. Enjoy the show and don't forget to... Stay focused on your freedom! Show Notes

  • 036 A Fresh Start to the New Year Begins with Goals

    036 A Fresh Start to the New Year Begins with Goals

    In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about the year ahead, and what every small business owner should be doing to ensure that it will not only be a very successful year, but also a year that ends with much greater freedom for you, the owner, and also the rest of your team. What small business owners need to be doing is setting goals. But not just setting them, Daran is going to be sharing with you a very simple process for how to actively use your goals to keep everyone on track, reduce overwhelm, and also create excitement, buy-in, and a huge sense of accomplishment for your team. He's very much looking forward to sharing this information with you, especially as we bring the current year to a close, and start making plans to take maximum advantage of all the positive opportunities available to us in the new year. Enjoy the show and don't forget to... Stay focused on your freedom! Show Notes

  • 035 Thankfulness & Gratitude with Guest Mark Matteson

    035 Thankfulness & Gratitude with Guest Mark Matteson

    In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be joined by special guest, Mark Matteson. Mark is a bestselling author, a highly successful sales person, an entertaining teacher, and a sought-after public speakeer. As a compliment to Daran's latest article for the Thanksgiving holiday focused on gratitude, he and Mark are going to be discussing Mark's outlook on this very important topic, how it’s impacted his life, and the ways that he practices gratitude on a regular basis. This episode is one you won’t want to miss, and chances are good you might even listen to it more than once to catch all that’s being shared. Best of all, those that listen will learn how to receive a free gift of one of Mark’s bestselling books. Enjoy the show and don't forget to... Stay focused on your freedom! Show Notes