Dr Lindsay Biermann on short stopping, a wigeon call and hope in a changing climate.

For the love of weather by Gemma Plumb & Aisling Creevey

Episode notes

Meet Dr. Lindsay Biermann. Lindsay grew up in a landlocked state so laughs about the fact that she is now an expert in marine aquaculture and waterfowl in the UK.

Lindsay says her first memory of being interested in nature was in the sixth grade when she declared to her Mum that she was going to be a zoologist. Roll on some years later and she is now an expert in how climate change is impacting migratory birds in the UK.

We learn about ‘short stopping’ and how some species of birds, for example from northern parts of Russia, migrate to the UK in the winter as this is a warmer climate during those months.

The impact of climate change on migratory birds and the knock on effect on local wildlife can be complex to piece together. Lindsay explains that there is evidence that non specialist birds are remarkable adaptable and su ... 

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