
Film Folk Lore Presents: Yo, Adrian! Rocky I

Film Folk Lore by Jed, Zoe, Justin, Chris, and Joe

Episode notes

We have arrived at the start of our summer miniseries “Yo, Adrian!” and we’re having a blast diving down the rabbit hole that is the Rocky universe, now known as the Rockyverse™️. Whether you’re already a fan or you’re ready to plunge into this as a newbie, join Justin Sound, Heather Rae Costumes, Toni Camera, and Jed Props as we breakdown all 9 installments of the Rocky franchise, starting now with Rocky I! So grab some popcorn, boxing gloves, pet turtles, and your alcoholic brother, because it’s time for “Yo, Adrian!


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film podcastbehind the scenesfilmmaking podcastentertainment industryfilm and tv podcast with comedybehind the scenes podcast