Norse Mythology -- Kinsmen Die Ch 75: Vafthrudnir has a snack

And the Heavens Burn, A Norse Mythology-based fantasy series by Matt Bishop

Episode notes

Welcome to CHAPTER 75 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.

In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.

This week we’re back with Vafthrudnir for a very short chapter. We last saw Vaft in Ch 73 when he brought his apprentice, Kali, into the Gap to lay claim to one of the disir — the one that had been released when the witch Yelena killed the baresark Gulfinn. Vaft had kept Freyja busy while his apprentice fought Freyja’s priest — and when he was distracted by Kali’s success, Freyja stabbed Vaft in the belly.

I used Google Gemini, for lack of a better option, to create this week’s episode art. ... 

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