Norse Myth -- Kinsmen Die Ch 72: Frigg's toil and trouble

And the Heavens Burn, A Norse Mythology-based fantasy series by Matt Bishop

Episode notes

Welcome to CHAPTER 72 of the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.

In this podcast I read my first novel, Kinsmen Die, one chapter at a time. And, with each episode, when it makes sense, I provide some commentary about the source materials I’ve referenced in the text.

This week we’re back with Frigg. Here's a quick summary of the key events in Frigg's last few chapters. Frigg was called to adjudicate a murder. Harald had apparently murdered his ex-wife Bera. We met Harald and Bera, along with Bera's sister, Yelena, way back in chapter 23. Turns out that Yelena's husband, Klakki, believes that Yelena was a witch. Based on what Klakki said, Frigg also believes that Yelena was involved in cutting out the heart of Baldr's mistletoe...which is why Baldr is having t ... 

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