How to Quit Porn and Other Sexual Sin

First Christian Church of Brazil Indiana Sermons by First Christian Church in Brazil Indiana

Episode notes

Sexual sin has a grasp on our society today and it has only gotten worse over time. Younger generations might be experiencing the great form of temptation in sexual sin we have ever seen. It is our job as parents, grandparents, and future parents to set a good model and establish best practices to quit sexual sin and lead our kids to a great life through Jesus Christ which is free from the slavery of sin.

This sermon is a part of our sermon series, More than Surviving.


We were called to more than just making it through. We were called to more than surviving life. We have been called to a life of service, love, and worship. Learn with us from our Senior Minister, Chris Gregg, as he preaches about doing more than just surviving.

This is the second sermon of the sermon series, M ... 

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christianchristianitywisdomquit pornsexual sin