Environmental Injustice: How Race, Health, and Climate are Intertwined
In today’s episode Kristy Drutman from Brown Girl Green was interviewed. Kristy is an environmental media host, speaker, activist, and digital media strategist. During her work, she has focused on the intersections between media, diversity, and environmentalism. My conversation with Kristy focused on how communities of color, along with lower socioeconomic status are often burdened with higher pollution levels leading to health disparities. Talking with Kristy we talk about how people can get involved in the fight to change this. Personally, she uses her multimedia to shed light on these topics, educate, and drive the movement towards change. Below are various links that she recommended looking into from the interview. Links: -Brown Girl Green: https://browngirlgreen.org/ -Instagram: @browngirl_green -Arlington, TX: Fracking Case Study: https://www.loe.org/shows/segments.html?programID=20-P13-00026&segmentID=1, https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2021/06/playgrounds-residential-neighborhoods-gas-fracking-drilling-arlington-texas/ -Fight against Line 3 pipeline: https://www.stopline3.org/ -Fight against Line 5 pipeline: https://www.sierraclub.org/michigan/decomission-line-5 -Redlining Overview: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/past-racist-redlining-practices-increased-climate-burden-on-minority-neighborhoods/, https://www.npr.org/2017/05/03/526655831/a-forgotten-history-of-how-the-u-s-government-segregated-america, What people can do from Kristy: -Native Land lookup: https://native-land.ca/ -Build Back Better Plan: https://www.whitehouse.gov/build-back-better/, Text act to (434) 266-8464 to be connected with a call to your representative -Brown Girl Green Newsletter Sign-up: Bit.ly/browngirlnews