Everything I Hate About Me

by Eli Milliman

Self-examination via literature, philosophy, music, and story telling with the goal of self-illumination. I've been making a list of things I hate about myself (easiest list ever). It's time to tackle them one episode at a time while I futz around on the piano.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Beware the Ides of March!

    Beware the Ides of March!

    My first memorable experience with Shakespeare was when I was 12. I couldn't have imagined how impactful it would be. I was an average, dumb kid. I was not a great reader nor was I interested very much in discussions of philosophy or high ideas. I had to grow into my interest in such things. A few years later, Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar, would stoke the fires of my interest in great ideas well spoken.

  • A Metaphysical Crisis of Morality and Ethics

    A Metaphysical Crisis of Morality and Ethics

    Looking at ancient cultures and stories in the Bible through a lens of historical, cultural, ethical, moral, scientific, and archeological reality rather than superstition and tradition can offend many believers. I am here to offend while questioning the nature of reality itself. Meanwhile, a bird sings outside my studio window.

  • Paradigm Shifts and the Order of Creation

    Paradigm Shifts and the Order of Creation

    Humanity has always been very concerned about paradigm shifts. We do not take lightly the changing of our minds. Our most ancient myths and legends and religions attempt to help us understand change and how things came to be and how we can adapt to such changes. As we continue to grow in our own personal journeys in life are we ready and able to accept paradigm shifts?

  • Inwardness or Self-absorbed?

    Inwardness or Self-absorbed?

    Thoughts upon Kierkegaard, the anxiety of being self-absorbed, Othello, Macbeth, and the conversation between Pilate and Jesus.

  • I Used to Believe in Conversion Therapy Without Even Knowing What it Was

    I Used to Believe in Conversion Therapy Without Even Knowing What it Was

    I made this episode as a sort of apology to my younger brother and to my parents for attitudes I had for a brief spell as a teenager. I thought there was something wrong with being gay, an attitude that was surely taught to me, but that I must take complete responsibility for. 30 years later my understanding of masculinity, sexuality, gender, etc., are completely different as I continue to rid myself of (if you've been following along then you guessed it) binary thought.