Exploring Second-Generation Basal Insulin Analogues 

Diving Into Diabetes by Diving Into Diabetes

Episode notes

Do second-generation basal insulin analogues really offer any advantages over their first-generation counterparts?  

Our host, Dr. Ronald Goldenberg, takes a deeper look into this topic with Dr. Alice Cheng, an endocrinologist at Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga and St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. She is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto and the current the Chair of the Professional Section of Diabetes Canada and an Associate Editor for the Canadian Journal of Diabetes.  

This episode focuses on second-generation basal insulin analogues, and the clinical benefits they confer compared to previous generations. Dr. Cheng discusses how the design of next-generation basal insulin analogues allow flatter a ... 

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second generation basal insulin