Ep21 - NoDak Freelance Waterfowling with New Friends

Dive Bomb Squadcast by Ashur Tolliver

Episode notes

What happens when you are traveling across North Dakota & come across a pile of birds? You get a room at the nearest hotel of course! On our last road trip, we ran into Donny Ottaway, Zach Martin, & Ryan Applegate, three avid Dive Bomb users who were also hunting the same area. After a quick introduction, it was evident we were going to enjoy each other's company. Listen along on Episode 21 as we talk about joining forces with Donny & the guys for one awesome hunt & one not so awesome hunt. We had a great time working together toward a common goal while making new friends along the way. Hear Donny's side of the story & what his thoughts were before & after hunting with the Dive Bomb crew.

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