
5 Anime Bad Boys that MIGHT be allowed to date my daughter - Bonus Level

Devilfruit: Choose Anime by Ethan, Jacob and Joe

Episode notes

Daddy Joe is back! But this time he is here to share what anime Bad Boys might actually have a shot at being allowed to date his daughter! DISCLAIMER: Joe does not have a daughter, and all of the character opinions that he shares on this episode are through the lens of his father character, “Daddy Joe”, and may not reflect his personal opinions of the anime characters that are discussed.

1st on the list is from Dragonball Z: (2:47)

2nd on the list is from Naruto Shippuden: (6:05)

3rd on the list is from Digimon: (9:00)

4th on the list is from Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad (12:28)

5th on the list is from Megalobox: (15:55)

Ethan's notes on the list: (19:36)

If you want to share five anime characters that MIGHT be allowed to date your daughter, shoot us a message on our instagram (

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