Deals & ScamsExplicit

by Deals & Scams Pod

Owen, Sandy, and Wayne review the biggest deals and the biggest scams in pop culture, politics, and history. Join the three lads every other week as they talk puppy play, tackle The Trolley Problem, and takedown Taco Bell's Twitter. Featuring the occasional guest who always brings them back to earth. Produced and edited by Katherine. Have a suggestion for a topic? Email us at!

Podcast episodes

  • 14 | Horror Movies & Ear Mouse circa 1996


    14 | Horror Movies & Ear Mouse circa 1996


    SPECIAL GUESTISODE! Body horror enthusiast and friend of the show Angelica shares the spiciest deal of cinema. Wayne "The Wayne" Johnson shares the dirty secret of science's mutant rodent. Listeners report shock and awe at this image:

  • 13 | Military-Entertainment Complex - Ultimate Scam Deep Dive


    13 | Military-Entertainment Complex - Ultimate Scam Deep Dive


    After an unplanned hiatus -- we're back! This week, we bring a DEEP DIVE episode into the relationship between Hollywood and the United States Military. This cozy smozy relationship is not widely known or talked about -- and your favorite franchise might be one of the biggest beneficiaries of this arrangement. In this episode, the crew discusses how Marvel movies indoctrinate children into the military-industrial complex and questions if Hollywood could ever make an anti-war war movie. After this episode, you'll never watch a superhero movie the same way. BONUS: Count how many times Wayne says FRIENDSHIP and SACRIFICE and comment your answer on Apple Podcasts.

  • 12 | New York, New York (ft. Nick)


    12 | New York, New York (ft. Nick)


    This week we are joined by a friend of the pod - Nick! Nick brings his take on why New York City is a DEAL and doxxes himself in the process. Owen puts the Big Apple in the trash and declares the city a scam. Wayne and Sandy take a trip to The Boardroom to hash out who is Victorious. If you loved listening to the delightful tones of Nick, leave a (5 star) review for us on Apple Podcast! If you want to stay at Nick's apartment on Columbus Ave. and ** street, send us an email at

  • 11 | Community Gardens & Hair Loss Treatment


    11 | Community Gardens & Hair Loss Treatment


    Wayne convinces Owen and Sandy of a deal for the first time in his whole life, and Sandy makes Owen and Wayne wrestle with their impending baldness.

  • 10 | Professional Critics & Audience Reviews (We read YOUR reviews)


    10 | Professional Critics & Audience Reviews (We read YOUR reviews)


    After a COVID-induced hiatus, the boys are back. This week, the hosts are reading out your reviews and reviewing reviewers. As always, this podcast stans the NPR critic Justin Chang.