The Data Culture Podcast

by Sid Atkinson and Lee Harper

Culture eats strategy for lunch. Informed cultures drive decisions and inspire action. At the Data Culture Podcast we talk with execs, visionaries, and data experts so that you may move from idea to outcome in your own data culture journey. Curiosity intersected with data can inform and inspire change for the betterment of all. Let's build cultures to make this happen.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Peggy TsAI on AI Strategy for CDOs

    Peggy TsAI on AI Strategy for CDOs

    Want some AI with your coffee? It seems anywhere you turn, AI is infused into every interaction, decision, and experience, so it makes sense that your organization should upgrade (or create) your AO strategy. But how? CDO Peggy Tsai offers incredibly practical advice on AI Strategy for today's Chief Data Officers.

  • On the Importance of Naming Things

    On the Importance of Naming Things

    "What's in a name?" Shakespeare's romantic notion that naming something is irrelevant may work in purposes of his plays, but for the data world, naming, and conformance on the meaning of names, is critical. Amit Pahwa has spent a good portion of his career dedicated to making our data lives easier, all by focusing on that most basic of tasks: naming things.

  • Intuitive Decision Making

    Intuitive Decision Making

    What is most useful for making decisions? Leaders and business owners face decisions almost every moment of the day. We aspire to be an entirely data driven world, so where does this leave 'gut' or intuition? Seyi Fabode helps us explore these questions; be prepared for some philosophical and practical insights.

  • Driving Acquisition Opportunities and Post Merger Alignment

    Driving Acquisition Opportunities and Post Merger Alignment

    Mergers and acquisitions have a high failure rate in terms of hitting the envisioned objectives. There are many root causes, but lack of alignment on operating models is definitely on the list. Jeremy Kingry discusses how Argano quickly analyses a target acquiree using data and enforces aligned operating models, using data!

  • Data Strategy is an AI Strategy

    Data Strategy is an AI Strategy

    A data strategy is an AI strategy. Subroto has 20+ years in data, innovation, and creating companies; he walks us through several topics that everyone should pay attention to in assembling their AI and data strategy.