Episode notes
"ParaPop!: How Pop Culture Affects Our Perception of History & the Paranormal" (what you think about Abraham Lincoln, Ghosts, and the Ozark Howler Has An Awful Lot to do with P.T. Barnum, WWII abd the Exorcist Movie. We take on Supernatural, Black Eyed Kids, Twilight and more as well. Josh & Lisa discuss noir tales from the Dark Ozarks, including the connections that are not what you expect. Remember, There Are No Easy Answers in the Dark Ozarks. What questions would you like answered next week? JOIN US for Wednesdays Live at 8pm Eastern/ 7pm Central on Youtube. Thank you for supporting Dark Ozarks to promote history. We truly appreciate you! ~~Josh, Lisa &Alex ©️ Dark Ozarks, 2023
pop cultureblack eyed kidsreality tv