1 August Thursday 17 Accept who I am, respect others!

Holy Land: Daily Homilies from Madgala by Magdala

Episode notes

You are listening to the homily from the Eucharistic Celebration at Duc In Altum, Magdala, given by Fr. Eamon Kelly, L.C.

📖 Find today's readings here: https://bible.usccb.org/daily-bible-reading

▶ Follow the daily live stream Eucharistic Celebration, Monday to Saturday at 6:30 P.M.(Holy Land Time) and Sunday at 8:15 A.M. (Holy Land Time): https://www.youtube.com/@magdalaenglish

You can join Fr. Kelly in his morning Stroll & Chat every morning from Magdala:

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daily homilygospel reflectiongospelmadgalaholy landmagdalascripture reflexionseamon kellyscripturesmagdala homily