Podcast episodes

  • "Doubting Thomas" Gets A Bad Wrap

    "Doubting Thomas" Gets A Bad Wrap

    Thomas has a bad reputation for not initially believing the resurrection, but he showed leadership and commitment far before the other eleven disciples did. What would the other apostles do if they were in his position?

  • How I Became A Freemason, and why I left

    How I Became A Freemason, and why I left

    On today's show partner.director of CatholicismRocks, William Hemsworth, plays an interview he was part of with Gary Michuta. This episode aired on March 26, 2020 on Virgin Most Powerful Radio. William discusses how he became a Freemason and why he left.

  • The Best Argument For God with Pat Flynn

    The Best Argument For God with Pat Flynn

    Partner/Director William Hemsworth recently sat down philosopher.Apologist Pat Flynn about his new book by Sophia Press titled The Best Argument For God. In this interview pat discusses his own journey from naturalism to theism. We also discuss the conspiracy of naturalism, the problem of evil, and much more. I highly recommend you check this book out and add it to your apologetics library. Check out the book at https://sophiainstitute.com/product/the-best-argument-for-god/. About Pat Flynn Pat Flynn is a writer, philosopher, podcaster, and speaker living in Wisconsin with his wife, five children, and St. Bernard. He hosts Philosophy for the People and The Pat Flynn Show. His website is ChroniclesOfStrength.com

  • The Role of Apostolic Succession In The Arian Crisis

    The Role of Apostolic Succession In The Arian Crisis

    It is very tempting to look at the Arian controversy and think that it is a thing of the past. To do so would be irresponsible from a theological and historical perspective. The denying of the divinity of Christ is still something that is an issue among those who call themselves Christians. Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons have a view of Christ that is contrary to scripture and to the tradition of the Church. What would Christianity be like today if the bishops in Alexandria and Nicea not exercised the authority given to them by apostolic succession?

  • Three Proofs For The Resurrection That Anyone Can Understand

    Three Proofs For The Resurrection That Anyone Can Understand

    The resurrection is so important that St. Paul tells us that if it did not happen that we are still dead in sin (1 Corinthians 15:17). Sometimes there is some apprehension when the resurrection is discussed because we feel a burden of proof, but the evidence for it is out there. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but three proofs for the resurrection of Christ