
Chapter 4 - Rescue Squads

Caravan of Pain: The True Story of the Tattoo the Earth Tour by Scott Alderman

Episode notes

My gallbladder was the second non-essential organ I’d lost in the past few years—my appendix went first—and I felt more mortal knowing I was half a lung and a kidney from being in deep shit. The surgery was successful, I felt better immediately, and I started to put some weight back on. I wasn’t sure how much more I could do for Tattoo the Earth, or if it would even make a difference. Sean, Betsy, and I had dinner, and I asked them what they thought we should do next, and their response was a resounding “How should we know?” I had been driving the project since the start, with clear vision and purpose, and no one ever doubted my strategy. But I was starting to doubt it, and doubt myself and the idea, and I felt totally alone.