How Can I Help?

Let's Talk About This with Tania Weiss by Executive Director of CST

Episode notes

As Executive Director of Cancer Support Team, I meet people in different types of jobs who live all over the country. One thing we have in common is that we all know someone who has had cancer. And that's because it’s estimated that 40% of all Americans will be diagnosed at some point in their lifetime. These days, cancer is much more treatable, and the survival rates are definitely increasing, but the experience of having cancer is still very challenging. For those who have been down this road or have helped someone go through the experience, I often hear, how can I help? Recently during CST’s radio program “Let’s Talk About This” I had the chance to speak to Tony Sibio, national board member of a wonderful organization called Swim Across America. They offer a great way each one of us can help.

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