Dirt & Democracy: Reflections on China's Rural Regeneration with Sit Tsui

Broke-in Vermont by White River Natural Resources Conservation District and VT Professionals of Color Network

Episode notes

Special Episode Alert: This week on Dirt & Democracy, we focus on rural regeneration efforts in present-day China. Professor SIT Tsui addressed the challenges and opportunities involved in these efforts and emphasized their importance in addressing current global crises such as pandemics and climate change. The presentation is divided into two parts. The first part provides a brief overview of the history of the Rural Reconstruction Movement in modern China. The second part will covers the government and grassroots organizations' current rural regeneration work. This presentation includes discussions on political-economic initiatives, organizational structures, and cultural and educational projects aimed at mobilizing people from both urban and rural areas, particularly the younger generation. The presentation includes examples, as well as a ... 

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