• Benched
  • Intuitive eating to keep diet cul...

Intuitive eating to keep diet culture out of sports culture

Benched by UNCUT

Episode notes

UNC Sports Nutritionist Rachel Manor joins Benched Host Jules Micchia to discuss the anti-diet approach (4:28) and a later, how to keep diet culture out of sports culture (23:55). But first, the barriers to intuitive eating for athletes (7:06), the foundation of this approach - self care (8:48) - and how to fight pressure on social media (18:34).

** If you are struggling with one of the discussed topics, please seek assistance. Resources include:


https://www.unc.edu/discover/well-said-how-to-achieve-your- ... 

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bencheduncutchapel hillwomenuncjules micchiarachel manorsports nutritionanti dietintuitive eating