Insurable Interest, Retirement Income, & Becoming Your Own Banker (BWL Q&A #28)

Banking With Life Podcast by James Neathery

Episode notes

For this Q&A we answer a few questions like... What is insurable interest? What happens if a company demutualizes? How could the estate tax changes affect life insurance? We answer a few more great questions as well! As always, we hope you enjoy and thank you for listening! Have a great weekend!

Today's Questions:

0:22 - Insurable Interest

1:51 - Dividends don't reduce PUA?

2:21 - What happens when a company demutualizes?

3:18 - Estate tax changes and Life Insurance

3:42 - Determining retirement income amount

6:57 - BYOB illustration clarification

The Q&A series is designed to help you become more knowledgeable in the Infinite Banking Concept®. Make sure to like and subscribe to join us weekly on the Banking With Life Podcast!


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