Episode notes

Geometry of Shadows S2E3 (16 Nov 94) vs. 2nd Skin S3E5 (24 Oct 94)

-Technomages don’t reappear in B5 but do play a big role in the spinoff Crusade (1999) & a novel trilogy (2001)

-Much to Bob’s distaste, Lord of the Rings & Power Rangers come up

-Michael Ansara plays the technomage as well as Kang in TOS & DS9 & Mr. Freeze in Batman TAS

-René Descartes entertains questions about the first principles of reason & the possibility of deception & error in Discourse on the Method (1637) & Meditations on 1st Philosophy (1641)

-Philip K. Dick’s narratives often engage w/ questions of Cartesian doubt, for example Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968) & the film adaptation Blade Runner (1982) & “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale” (1966) & ... 

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