Hip Dragging with River Radamus

Arc City by Jimmy Krupka

Episode notes

As the season comes to a close, River Radamus—a rising American GS star—and I talked shop (2:06). River is well-spoken and has some fascinating perspectives. First, we discuss the role media plays in Olympic ski racing. River tells a fun story about skiing on the same Olympic team as Mikaela Shiffrin. We also cover River’s source of motivation, his Olympic dreams, his hip-drags, and his theory—based on personal experience—about talent vs. hard work. He basically gives a pep-talk to young aspiring ski racers, and we end by talking about ARCO, the foundation he’s starting to tackle the rising cost problem in ski racing (follow him on Instagram @riverradamus to stay up to date). I end the episode by talking to the three sponsored D-Team racers who wore the Arc City sticker on their helmets this year (52:35).

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river radamus