Not Quite the Bachelorette, but Still "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner

AnaLITical by Hannah and Jon Newland

Episode notes

"A Rose for Emily" by William Faulker was first published in 1930, and was his first short story to be published in a national magazine. As a pioneer of Southern Gothic literature, Faulkner perfectly embodied the disturbing, decaying, and grotesque that stem from alienation; all trademarks of Southern Gothic. In this episode, we discuss Faulkner's nonlinear format for the story, his inspiration for the story, and how these relate to the style of Southern Gothic.

We lose our train of thought, Hannah is right (once again), and racism of the deep South in post-Civil War times rears its ugly head. In our longest episode to date, we do a thorough analysis of the story, including symbols Faulkner wouldn't have wanted us to find, and find out why a story about a rose, is actually terrifying.

Faulkner's history was obtained from "Seagull Book ... 

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literatureshort storybooksmodernistfaulknergothicsoutherna rose for emily