These Darn Comrades are STILL Taking Our "Animal Farm" by George Orwell

AnaLITical by Hannah and Jon Newland

Episode notes

Animal Farm by George Orwell, published in 1945, depicts an allegorical fairy tale of the Russian Revolution and Stalin's era of rule. As Hannah and Jon continue reading and finish the book, they explore the allegory further, while also comparing this story with other historical events.

Grab your tissues, because this episode gets sad. Hannah and Jon finish out this novella by dissecting and covering the last four chapters (6-10). Hannah brings up the great 'Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girl boss' of the character Squealer. They round out the story by discussing The Seven Commandments of Animal Farm, how these change, what it ultimately gets boiled down too, and how this is interpreted for our everyday life.

Hannah and Jon do know how to properly format a novel title. RSS won't let us. We apologize for their missteps.

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literaturebooksfairy talesorwellanimal farmstalinsocialism