Let's Go Shopping for "The New Dress" by Virginia Woolf

AnaLITical by Hannah and Jon Newland

Episode notes

"The New Dress" by Virginia Woolf was written in 1924 while Woolf was writing her novel, Mrs. Dalloway. The story follows Mable Waring and her thoughts at Clarissa Dalloway's party. In this episode, Hannah and Jon discuss how the story tackles issues of class and its effects on the main character's mental health, as well as background of the author.

Please note: this episode contains themes that may be difficult for some listeners. Virginia Woolf was a victim of suicide and struggled with her mental health. Please approach with caution.

Hannah and Jon also discuss how colors are huge symbols and how well Woolf uses them in the story. They also bring up the important point that no matter how well written something may be, it is important to note the jaded histories of the authors.

Woolf's history was obtained from "Seagu ... 

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literatureshort storybooksfeminismmodernistvirginia woolfthe new dress