S4: EP 7 | Nviiri The Storyteller On New Chapter - 'Inside Out'

VIP ACCESS by Anyiko Owoko

Episode notes

Just like his name suggests Nvirii The Storyteller, Nviiri’s songs tell a multitude of stories with layers surrounding everyday relatable issues like love, loss, heartbreak, romance, debauchery, conflict, reconciliation and growth in different life spheres and dimensions. The Kenyan-Ugandan singer-songwriter came to fame after his signing to Sauti Sol’s record label Sol Generation Records in 2019.

In 2023, Nviiri released his anticipated first album ‘Inside Out’ that follows his successful EP Kitenge (2021). This interview comes just in time for a new era of his career – the ending of his contract with Sol Generations (2024). We both look back at Nviiri’s come up and future plans, while celebrating the wins and moments that made him one of Kenya’s biggest and most beloved pop artists of this decade.

Nvirii The Storyteller is a highly- ... 

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anyiko owokoplay kenyan musicplay ugandan musicplay ke musicanyiko podcastanyiko pranyiko owoko vip accesssol generation recordssol generationssauti sol entertainmentsauti solanyiko owoko podcastanyiko owoko podcast musicnviiri the storytellerAnyiko Kitenge EP Inside Out AlbumBwana SherehePlay