Mental barriers that are stopping them from making better investment decisions (Part 1) (#113)

Financial Advisors Say The Darndest Things by A.B. Ridgeway

Episode notes

Episode Summary: In this episode of "Financial Advisors Say the Darndest Things," host AB Ridgeway delves into the psychological barriers that often hinder rational decision-making when it comes to personal finances and investments. Drawing from principles found in the Bible, Ridgeway explores topics such as cognitive biases, rationalization, and conservatism bias, offering insights to help listeners become more financially savvy and righteous stewards of their wealth.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding Psychological Barriers: Ridgeway emphasizes the importance of recognizing and overcoming mental barriers that affect financial decision-making. By delving into concepts like conservatism bias and rationalization, listeners can gain insight into their own thought processes and make more  ... 
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3 cognitive biases in behavioral financecognitive bias examplesthe behavioral bias of individualscognitive vs emotional biascognitive biases in investment making decisionsheuristic biases in behavioral finance and investingmental barriers in investing and how to overcome them