Retirees Share What Happened When They Took Social Security Early (#208)

Financial Advisors Say The Darndest Things by A.B. Ridgeway

Episode notes

Episode Summary: In this episode, A.B. Ridgway explores the decision of when to start collecting Social Security benefits. Through interviews with individuals who opted to take their benefits early, listeners gain insights into the diverse reasons behind such decisions. The episode emphasizes the importance of personal circumstances and individual needs in making financial choices, particularly regarding Social Security.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Diverse Perspectives on Social Security: The episode highlights contrasting views on when to start collecting Social Security benefits, ranging from taking it as soon as possible to waiting until full retirement age. This diversity underscores the complexity of the decision and the need for personalized considerations.
  2. Emotional Fac ... 
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Social Securitysocial security benefitsearly withdrawal