#5 - Haruun Ali - How to Run for City Council at age 18, UofA Tuition Crusades, & Student Politics

Amirali Bigleri Podcast di Zone Z Productions Inc.

Note sull'episodio

Dive into a riveting episode where ambition meets action, and the corridors of university politics open onto the vast stage of city governance.

In this discussion, we explore the journey of a remarkable individual who, at the tender age of 18, dared to run for city council, challenging the status quo and inspiring a new generation of political enthusiasts.

Alongside, we delve into the passionate campaigns against tuition hikes at the University of Alberta, revealing how student-led movements are reshaping policies and perspectives at both the local and institutional levels.

From the tactical intricacies of election campaigning to the spirited debates on educational affordability, this episode is a testament to the power of youthful ambition and the transformative potential of student politics.

Whether you're a politica ... 

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