Episode 105 - Questions from the Audience - Pt 5 - Listen and Support

Upfront & Undivided di Luke & Dean'na Wantz

Note sull'episodio

This is our final installment of the "Questions from the Audience" miniseries. It has been great to see the questions from all of you, and for us to answer them. We do our best to help all of you get your own conversations going in your own relationships.

This episode looked at three questions:

1) How do you talk with each other about the things the Lord is speaking to you about?

2) What are ways you have found to be the best way to support/encourage each other?

3) If one of you needs "rest", how do you address this so that emotions don't get in the way?

While we were talking about these questions, we also hit on a theme of rejection. What are some ways that we can reject the spirit of rejection in our relationships?

Have a listen and let us know what you think!

Have the best week! Enjoy the journey!

Parole chiave
familycommunicationchristiangodunifiedupfrontundividedprayerrelationshipguidanceconsistentconsistencymarriagetoolsresthopejesusoptionsholy spiritidentity