Episode 188: Busy Being Busy

Typically Peachy di Typically Peachy

Note sull'episodio

This week, we’re talking about a one-of-a-kind country star’s hit album, a museum that brings written stories into a visual reality, and a musical that exceeded all expectations. I’m also sharing my thoughts on getting overwhelmed by the busyness of life and not allowing the pressure to stop you from experiencing the pleasure. If you’re busy being busy - don’t let it be your excuse; let it motivate a new solution, and stay peachy my friends!

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lifestylepop cultureentertainmentmusicbookspodcaststressbeyoncestress managementcountry musicmusic reviewmuseumstress reliefmusic recommendationmusicalsbeautiful: the carol king musicalcarol kingcowboy carternew musicbusy