You Have Children and You're Separating...Now What?

Parenting Together Apart Podcast di Ellie Lemons and Monique Barry

Note sull'episodio

We share some tips for what to do next once the decision to separate has been made when you share children and one or both of you are thinking about how to start the co-parenting journey.

  1. Introduction

  2. Being clear about the decision to separate

  3. Deciding the best living and child-sharing arrangements for your family

  4. Managing communication and maintaining privacy

  5. Finding a support person in a professional or trusted friend

  6. Establishing early boundaries around parental decisions, sex and dating

  7. Respecting someone else’s grieving period might be different to yours

  8. How to manage your alone time when your child/ren is with the other parent

  9. Honouring your feelings and resourcing / supporting yourself through them

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coparentingparentingdivorcerelationshipsseperationconscious parentingcommunicationseparationbreakupsuncoupling