
di Pinchas Winston has been producing books since 1986. There are over 90 books now, and this is a brief description of many of them.

Episodi del podcast

  • Bereishis to Redemption

    Bereishis to Redemption

    A deeper examination of Bereishis, Chanukah, Purim and Pesach.

  • Y Factor to Great Jewish Leader

    Y Factor to Great Jewish Leader

    Various topics to improve the quality of life.

  • If Only Series

    If Only Series

    After publishing "If Only I Were Wealthy," four more books were added to the "If Only" series: "If Only I Understood Why" about the role of suffering in life, "If Only I Could See the Forest" about the difference between knowledge and wisdom, "If Only I Could Stay" to explain the centrality of Israel to the Jewish people today, and "If Only Great Was Great," in order to enhance the quality of relationships.

  • If Only I Were Wealthy

    If Only I Were Wealthy

    Eisav said, "I have a lot!" Ya'akov responded, "I have all I need." Thus was born an ideological battle that continues until today, about the most meaningful role of money, and what truly makes a person wealthy if life.

  • The Unbroken Chain

    The Unbroken Chain

    How I started as a writer and why I wrote my first book, "The Unbroken Chain of Jewish History."