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What's the Vibe Check this week? In this week episode we talk Ex-boyfriends, cheating, gaslighting and narcissism. How did these relationships affected not only our emotional well-being, but our finances? Well Samantha dishes about her past boyfriends and shares the classic stories we all have with that one narcissist we wish we never dated. We share tips on how to leave a situation that you know isn't right for you. Allie goes back into her past and shares how she got out of a toxic relationship with her ex and first baby daddy. Being teen Moms who didn't know much about this world we had to learn the hard way. Our hope is that being vulnerable and sharing the crazy and toxic relationships from our past can help someone in the place they are in now or to know you are not alone. Thank goodness we can laugh about these now But in all reality when ... 

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episodenarcissistvibe checkgaslighter