Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • 8. Divine Women’s Embodiment Leader Cindra Banks

    8. Divine Women’s Embodiment Leader Cindra Banks

    Hello, beautiful souls! Cindra Banks is a Women’s Embodiment Leader, and Sex and Relationships Coach at Conscious Couples Coaching. Cindra shares how she and her husband Luke help couples who are at breaking points, to reconnect and be able to communicate better. To enhance conscious and connected intimacy. Cindra has many offerings to empower women and people to find their voice and pleasure in their lives. Tess and Cindra acknowledge that we are in the country. Always was. Always is. Always will be. Episode Highlights: - Cindra Banks and The Relationships Show, talking about relationship, sexuality, and pleasure [01:47] - Not viewing the day job or the source of regular income as a holding pattern and plucking out what you can from that experience and those experiences to keep you going towards that bigger goal and that bigger impact that you're wanting to create [06:46] - Giving myself the permission to be my authentic self [10:19] - Identify as Queer, in a Heterosexual Relationship marriage and have a non-monogamous relationship [11:52] - The more that we can be open and honest with our kids [15:42]- Embodiment Alignment Program [18:42] - Allows you to be in your body, to be present, to transmute emotions and process stuff that has been going on in your body [35:01] - Just moving your body [38:57] - Just give yourself some compassion [40:00] Find Cindra at: https://linktr.ee/consciouscouplescoaching Find Tess at: https://linktr.ee/risingwith www.risingwith.com

  • 7. Relationship Safety Through Communication with James Gill

    7. Relationship Safety Through Communication with James Gill

    Hello, beautiful souls! James Fish Gill is a transformational communication facilitator and yoga teacher. James shares his work of exploring how to create relationship safety through communication to transform conflict and come back to love. James talks about his personal relationships and how they have lead him to his present work. Tess and James Acknowledge that we are in the Country. Always was. Always is. Always will be. Episode Highlights: - Who is James? [01:29] - The realm of relationship conflict [02:40] - The most profound, breakup experience [04:53]- How to deal with the feelings of shame [08:20] - Authenticity is to notice all the seeds that we have sowed and that we’re signing, related to teaching in yoga of karma, the fact that everything we do and not do is the sowing of seeds. Those seeds will grow certain types of trees that bear certain types of fruit and authenticity for us is owning the seeds that we plant and owning the fruit that they bear and trying to get the whole of that [10:23] - I live an authentic life when I own my shit and my goals constantly [11:45] - To find certainty in groundlessness (read: When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times book by Pema Chodron) [16:53] - Intimacy is the ability to stay open and present to what's happening rather than pulling away from the difficulty and making an assessment and going somewhere else [24:56] - When we get into conflict, we tend to just be like lawyers arguing in court [25:51] - The survival mechanism [32:09] - Dissolve a trigger by understanding that behind that thing that was said or done lies a beautiful intention and also lies some pain that this person is sitting with [38:07] - Ask yourself two questions: What are they yearning for? What's the pain that they're sitting with? [39:21] Find James at: https://linktr.ee/james_fish_gill www.leadbyheart.com Reference: When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times - Pema Chödrön Find Tess at: https://linktr.ee/risingwith www.risingwith.com

  • 6. Feng Shui and simple living with Nicole Shires

    6. Feng Shui and simple living with Nicole Shires

    Hello beautiful souls! Nicole Shires from The Simple Gourmet Mamma is the Queen of teaching people about reducing toxins as a Doterra leader. Nicole shares her story of how her family came to discover a simpler way of living as well as provides support and guidance through the ancient principles of Feng Shui. Nicole also provides come great productivity tips for using Instagram as a platform for your business. Tess and Nicole Acknowledgment that we are on Country. Always was. Always is. Always will be. Episode Highlights: - Who is Nicole? [01:02] - Starting a huge project, which is going to take a few years where we're doing a veggie garden, and hoping that we can get eventually 70% of our food from our home [02:37] - Getting back to basics and looking at what we're putting on our body [03:36] - Human Design as a Projector and burn out [08:04] - The structure of Nicole’s days [09:02] - Connecting to Feng Shui [12:29] - A core part of Chinese medicine: Your house is connected to your body, connected to nature. [13:05] - If something in your home doesn't feel good and doesn't light you up, then it generally is probably not needed to be there [14:41] - Finding your place in the home [20:52] - Inspiring women to reduce that toxic load that can have such a detrimental impact on us [24:20] - Content creation as a digital diary [31:04] Find Nicole at: https://www.instagram.com/thesimplegourmetmamma/ https://linktr.ee/thesimplegourmetmamma Find Tess at: https://www.risingwith.com/podcast www.risingwith.com https://www.facebook.com/rising.with https://www.instagram.com/rising.with/ Free weekly oracle readings: https://www.facebook.com/groups/therisingwithcollective

  • 5. Palpable energy with Louis Fuller

    5. Palpable energy with Louis Fuller

    Hello beautiful souls! Louis Fuller’s energy is palpable and inspiring. Listen as Louis shares his journey of professional golf, music, mindfulness, meditation, and manifestation. A true representation of living his life as his authentic self. In this episode, We talk about the following points: - Who is Louis Fuller? [01:20] - A true passion of helping people and the transfer of energy [03:16] - 2020 is awesome year because it might come across arrogant and you got to spend together with your loved one [04:55] - How Louis moves through the rhythm of his life [09:20] - When Louie hit rock bottom and he was wanting to tell everyone that he was quitting golf, but he couldn't [14:30] - Being your authenticand higher self [15:24] - “Based on Awaken The Giant Within – Tony Robbins book. He said change doesn't happen to have 10 years or one year change happens like instantly. But you can change who you want to be right now with the power of his thoughts” [18:48] - Write 10 things you're grateful for and right. What am I excited about? What am I happy about? What am I proud about? What am I committed to? What am I enjoying right now? Who loves me and who do I love? [19:23] - “Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable” and “say yes to every opportunity” [20:06] - Learnings of mindfulness, meditation, and manifestation [21:04]- Positive vibration to money [22:28] - An authentic way to you to connect with people [27:03] - The imposter syndrome [32:55]- “You have a million followers you're going to have 10,000 people that hate your guts. Are you going to focus on that 10,000 or are you going to focus on the 990,000 block that you're actually genuinely helping change their lives?” [35:08] Tess and Louis Acknowledgment that we are on Country. Always was. Always is. Always will be. Find Louis at https://www.instagram.com/louisfullerlive/ https://www.instagram.com/fullerliquidgold/ https://www.facebook.com/louis.fuller.5 Find Tess at https://www.risingwith.com/podcastrisingwith.com https://www.facebook.com/rising.with https://www.instagram.com/rising.with/ Free weekly oracle readings: https://www.facebook.com/groups/therisingwithcollective

  • 4. Transformation to Human Design Reader with Jessica Jolly

    4. Transformation to Human Design Reader with Jessica Jolly

    Hello beautiful souls! I'm excited to share a yarn with our guest, Jessica Jolly. - Who is Jessica Jolly [02:15] - Our identity and discovering a human design [17:15] - Energy types [23:26] - Human design can sound like another language [27:18] - What I wonder about the human design [35:19] Find out more about Jessica Jolly: https://www.jessicajolly.com.au/ Know more about Human Design: https://www.mybodygraph.com/ Free weekly oracle readings: https://www.facebook.com/groups/therisingwithcollective/ Instagram: instagram.com/rising.com Website: risingwith.com