Note sull'episodio

Chrissy Tiegen made a fool of Trump (again), Rihanna performed the Half Time show while pregnant and we can’t even remember what day it is; they must be working for the devil. Penn Badgely decided he is done with sex scenes which opens up the convos of fidelity, boundaries and the importance of intimacy coaches on film sets. We explore some of the creepy kisses that have taken place on sets and also reminisce on our own first kisses. If your vagina had controllable teeth: would you use them for good? Tawny and Maria discuss how they’d use vagina dentata and how it has come to life in the form of the Rape-aXe device.

Parole chiave
accountabilitychrissy tiegentrumprape axevaginarihannapenn badgelyboy meets worldintimacy coachesfirst kisses